Are you searching for freedom and self-expression?
Ready to take back your power and love yourself?
Know it’s time for sexual healing, pleasure and expression?
Isn’t it time to be fully expressed, love and honor your body, treat yourself like a queen, set healthy boundaries and share your light with the world!
I get what it’s like to still feel stuck from past traumas. Living with stress and disappointments that hold you back from living your fullest. Even though you’ve worked on yourself, there’s still an underlying sense of shame, restlessness and fear, and it seems difficult to imagine a life free from this.
Like other women, you may feel:
1) guilt or shame about your body or sexuality
2) anxiety and depression and difficulty feeling safe and grounded
3) challenged with setting boundaries
4) communicating your feelings and/or thoughts
5) you aren’t “good enough” and compare yourself to others
6) disconnected from your spiritual life
7) competitive and jealous of other women
8) self-destructive at time (ex. addictive behaviors)
These are a result of ongoing objectification, socialization and/or traumatic experiences. Remember, trauma is not a death sentence and neither is the sexualization of women. It doesn’t mean you have to live a life of comparison, anxiety, pressure, fear and isolation. The truth is overcoming these challenges is the beginning of fully accepting who you are.
I get what it’s like to strive to achieve an unattainable standard of beauty or being seen as a sex object. It affects your health, joy, sex life and your well-being.
We are impacted on many levels: emotionally, physically, psychologically, energetically, sexually and spiritually, creating further distance from the essence of who and what we really are. For example, if a woman tirelessly strives to lose weight and receives a ton of praise when she does, she begins to look for external approval to feel worthy. Her worth becomes based on her body size. She may have self-defeating thoughts, feel self conscious in her sexual expression, feel disconnected from her body and feel sad and disappointed when she isn’t at her ideal weight. This disconnect also creates a spiritual void.
Trauma and objectification creates a separation between the body and mind. Your body may no longer feel like your own. You might try to numb the emotional, spiritual or physical pain. This can be in the form of overworking, eating, drinking, smoking, staying in relationships that don’t serve you just to try and feel loved.
For example, a woman who’s been sexually violated, might use a substance to quiet her writhing nerves and shame. She might relive trauma and shame during sexual experiences or when she connects with her own body. She’ll override messages from her body saying “STOP and LISTEN.” Her body becoming an object to be enjoyed by others versus a living entity that has a voice, boundaries and needs of self-care. As a result of not listening, she gets a distorted relationship with her body. For me, I developed an eating disorder in an attempt to feel gain control and calm the high level of anxiety and overwhelming sensations in my body. I used sugar to cope with life. Some women may develop extra fat as a layer of “protection.” In my case, I was underweight but overate on “healthy” but starchier foods. I wanted to disappear, in order to avoid further attention and hurt.
Did you know:
- Approximately 8 million Americans have an eating disorder
- Eating disorders have the highest mortality rate of any mental illness
- Anorexia is the 3rd most common chronic illness among adolescents
- Rates of minorities with eating disorders are similar to those of white women.
Lara is a life changer. She is well educated and hugely compassionate. The practical skills for self care and centering that she has brought into my awareness have changed everything. She has taught me how to love myself and my body, ground myself when I need it most, and to lean on and trust my feminine power and the sisterhood that surrounds me. Because of Lara, I feel that I have so much more understanding of myself and my journey, and so much more to give and teach my three daughters. Thank you Lara for blessing our whole family! ~ Rebecca Noelle Protzmann, Artist/Author,
Because I experienced my own lack of power, poor boundaries, questionable health and difficulty receiving pleasure, I began to intensely study psychology, spirituality and mindfulness, women’s sexuality and trauma/chronic stress healing practices to help me understand and overcome my own inner battle.
My deepest healing came in community with other women. You DO NOT HAVE TO DO THIS ALONE. Let me help you…
What if you……?
- Felt confident in your abilities to speak your truth
- Mindfully listened and deeply connected with your body, the foods you choose and ways you “nourish” yourself
- Embraced ALL the emotions that arise for you and saw them as guides to your truest expression
- Lived with faith in the present moment, grounded and deeply connected to yourself and all of life
- Enjoyed and felt deeply intimate with your inherent sensual and sexual nature
- Were more fully expressed at work and in your relationships
Take a journey with me to deepen your connection with your body, breath, emotions, thoughts and sensual self. Connecting to yourself as a women helps you uncover your old conditioned beliefs, unexpressed emotions and distorted body image that had you trying to live up to the societal ideal. Hating the way you look, feeling shame, violation and the impact of sexism has a big impact on your psyche.
If you’re ready to make the investment in yourself and transform your relationship with your thoughts, emotions, spiritual life and physical body, join me for the GODDESSES Journey: Awakening Body, Heart, Sex and Spirit
G Get clear on your heart’s desire and intention. Your heart is your internal compass. It will help guide you once you develop the practice of listening.
O Occupy, observe and find safety in your body. Being embodied is essential to healing and wholeness. Know your body to know yourself
D Devotion to self-love and cultivating inner beauty.. Value your qualities and feel your beauty from the inside out!
D Discerned and balanced mind, develop wisdom. Cultivating a quiet mind and nourishing it, changes our experience in life. What we focus on grows.
E Emotional and erotic intelligence. In order to grow and have healthy relationships, we must become acquainted with and welcome our feelings. Deepening our relationship with our erotic nature requires emotional maturity.
S Sexuality and sensuality. Experiencing ourselves as sexual, sensual beings enhances every aspect of our health and life. Increase pleasure and BOOST your mood-enhancing hormones by knowing your body’s pleasure.
S Separation wound, restoring sisterhood, support and feminine spirituality. Create more meaning and connection by transforming jealousy and competition into love and cooperation. Experience other women as “sisters,” learn and feel the interconnectedness to all of life and your place in it.
E Establishing boundaries, embody your truth and elevate your voice. Practice self-care by learning to honor your truth. Knowing our thoughts and feelings and communicating them enables us to have a strong sense of self and say “no” when we need time for self–care.
S Set aside time for rest, practice and integration. Integration is essential for healing especially with stress and trauma. Integration helps us deepen new experiences, insights and realizations into the body and brain and changes the way we experience life.
Connecting to your heart, body, intuition and soul is the key to awakening the goddess within. These steps will bring you a sense of meaning, purpose, harmony and love and help you see your beauty and worth EXACTLY as you are.
“You have inspired me to embrace my own journey. Whenever I doubt or want to give up because it feels too hard to overcome the years and layers of shame, I hear and read your words, see the care you have for me on your face…and I keep on. Your gift to me has been life changing. So thanks. I had no idea when we first met how many areas of my life would be transformed by embracing my female body, exploring the feminine parts of myself, and opening to a fuller expression of my sexuality.” ~ Aimi—Somatic Experiencing Practitioner and Bodyworker
The GODDESSES Journey is a three month experiential, supportive process that will totally transform your relationship with yourself on multiple levels.
* Find power and pleasure in all that it means to be a woman
* Discover and explore your sensual/sexual nature
* Honor your body as sacred
* Experience previous traumas as a means to awaken your innate resiliency, strength and power
* Increase your emotional intelligence – learn the meaning of your feelings and how to navigate difficult emotions (e.g., fear, anger, jealousy)
* Embrace thoughts, emotions and sensations as messengers bringing you home to a deeper level of self love and intimacy
* Improve your relationships through compassion, healthy boundaries and learning to communicate from a place of power, clarity and love
* Increase your physical health, your ability to cope with stress and take care of yourself
* Explore and deepen your spiritual practices

This program is for:
- Women who are ready to transform their relationship with themselves
- Women who are committed to HEALING, GROWTH AND WHOLENESS
- Women who want to feel more sexually alive, expressive and connect with their erotic nature
- Women who want to see other women as sisters and replace competition with cooperation and sisterhood
- Women who want to feel more connected to their partners spiritually, emotionally and sexually. Embody what you seek!
- Women who will devote time to the practices and stay engaged in the process. Isolation leads to desperation!
“I have received training in and practiced a number of mind-body-spirit yoga approaches, but nothing has provided comparable opportunities for growth and healing that time with Lara provides. Lara holds sacred space for you and holds you in sacred space in such a way that you find yourself journeying back to a supportive environment naturally for hours, days, and weeks after a session with Lara. Lara’s work is a path to Self, a path to love, to healing, to contentment. If you think you can be (are) more than you are currently expressing/feeling, go see Lara.” ~ Melissa Booker, E-RYT 200, RYT
This program is NOT for you if:
- You blame others for your situation and feel more comfortable in the victim role
- You’ll not invest time in yourself to deepen intimacy with yourself
- You’re convinced you can do it on your own and don’t really want support and guidance
- You know ALL the answers
“As a female professional I’ve learned it’s not acceptable to show my vulnerability, to be sensitive, and heaven forbid you cry. So I’ve pushed down my feminine qualities in order to compete in a world that values masculine traits. Participating in Lara’s coaching program provided me with insight into the power and strength of the feminine spirit and allowed me to embrace the WOMAN that I am.” ~ Michelle Vasquez, Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Here are the details of the program:
Week One – Get clear on your heart’s desire and intention and set a roadmap for integrating the feminine principle. Your heart is your internal compass. It will help guide you once you develop the practice of listening.
- Explore your heart’s desire and intention for the journey so you have a clear roadmap in life.
- Identify how integrating the feminine principles of heart-centered relating, honoring the body and emotions, stillness, sensuality and receiving into your life will create more balance, meaning and joy.Learn the physiology of unresolved trauma and chronic stress so you can learn about your own body and how to settle your nervous system and feel grounded.
Week Two – Occupy, observe and find safety in your body. Being embodied is essential to healing and wholeness. Know your body to know yourself
- Learn the physiology of unresolved trauma and chronic stress so you can learn about your own body and how to settle your nervous system and feel grounded.
- Begin to deepen your connection with your physical body, develop your inner resource so you begin to feel SAFE in your body and trust its messages.
- Explore your right to have and be (versus always “DO”) and how your body is CRAVING just that.
- Explore wounding and hurts associated with your body and create a healing ritual to heal.
- Learn practices to see and feel your body as sacred.
- Learn self-touch practices to settle the nervous system, quell the fear response (stress is pervasive in our culture) and support adrenal health.
*The Empowered, Awakened Female e-book will teach you about the colors, ways to balance the chakras (yoga practices, physical practices, mudras, ritual, affirmation).
Week Three – Devotion to self-love and cultivating inner beauty.. Value your qualities and feel your beauty from the inside out!
- Deepen your relationship with yourself so you feel more love, peace and connection to something greater.
- Learn how to feel better about yourself (self-esteem boosters!) so you can experience more joy!
- Practice self-compassion exercises.
- Learn the art of receiving so you can experience more pleasure and joy.
- Get clear on your values and experience more peace as you live in alignment with your deepest value and truth.
- Connect with and trust in your intuition.
Week Four – Discerned and balanced mind, develop wisdom. Cultivating a quiet mind and nourishing it, changes our experience in life. What we focus on grows.
- See how your thoughts create your reality and learn to work with productive, life affirming ones, not self-destructive thoughts.
- Learn daily practices that feed and nourish the mind so the wandering, distracted mind can experience more peace.
- Explore mindfulness and meditation practices that work for you. Learn and identify mindful exercises that you enjoy instead of sticking to ones that have been forced upon you as a “should.”
- Discover how mindfulness practices help cultivate empathy and resilience and change the architecture of the brain.
- Learn self touch practices to quiet the activity in the mind and surrender to the vast wisdom in the body.
Week Five – Emotional and erotic intelligence. In order to grow and have healthy relationships, we must become acquainted with and welcome our feelings. Deepening our relationship with our erotic nature requires emotional maturity.
- Learn the meaning of emotions to grow and deepen intimacy with self and others, learn regulation practices so you can feel balanced when difficult emotions arise.
- Increase your erotic intelligence by identifying the connection between emotional intelligence and erotic expression.
- Know yourself as an erotic woman and learn practices to deepen this sacred connection.
Week Six – Sexuality and sensuality. Experiencing ourselves as sexual, sensual beings enhances every aspect of our health and life. Increase pleasure and BOOST your mood-enhancing hormones by knowing your body’s pleasure
- Learn self-touch practices to enhance adrenal and sexual health.
- Explore the messages you received about sex and sexuality and create a new story in body, mind and spirit.
- Learn the connection between your relationship with sexuality, money and emotions. Hmm….that’s an interesting one!
- Identify various sensual practices to connect with your inherent sensual nature as a woman.
- Discover the connection between sensuality and every aspect of your health.
Week Seven– Separation wound, restoring sisterhood, support and feminine spirituality. Create more meaning and connection by transforming jealousy and competition into love and cooperation. Experience other women as “sisters,” learn and feel the interconnectedness to all of life and your place in it.
- Learn how changing your relationship with your feminine essence heals and transforms the relationship with other women and all of life.
- Replace gossip, judgment and competition with reverence, unconditional love and cooperation.
- Identify how fully integrating the feminine principle into your life affects women across the globe
- Learn how to focus on your blessings so they multiply.
- Identify the larger good you are working for so you can impact the world on a larger scale.
- Learn ways for you to honor the divine or commune with spirit, what you worship (nature, art, music vs. food, alcohol, people etc.) so you can connect with the inherent goodness in all of life.
- Implement ritual in your life to honor yourself as a woman, create more meaning and invoke the sacred in all things.
Week Eight– Establishing boundaries, embody your truth and elevate your voice. Practice self-care by learning to honor your truth. Knowing our thoughts and feelings and communicating them enables us to have a strong sense of self and say “no” when we need time for self–care.
- Learn how to set healthy boundaries (especially your sexual boundary) so you can trust yourself, speak your truth and feel strong and courageous.
- Identify how you might be giving your power away so you can feel more powerful in your relationships.
- Trust and develop your intuition to inform your decision so you can stop relying on rational, cognitive knowing.
- Identify your body’s messages when someone does or does not feel safe.
* Each week will include a brief mindfulness practice*
~ Jenna Pritchard, M.A., RYT, Holistic Nutritionist and Lifestyle Coach
In the GODDESSES journey, I will take you through everything I did to feel the joy and pleasure in reclaiming my femininity. I saw concrete expansive, changes in my life. Do you want to know what they were…..?
After investing over 40,000 dollars (I’m worth it!) in exploring my identity as a women, this is what happened:
I created dream jobs in various organizations by convincing the CEO they needed a position like the one I created. I did that 3 times!
I knew my body SO WELL and became quite familiar with the juicy, pleasure filled areas. I communicated my needs and desires to my partner. Wait….there are 3 different types of orgasm for women???
I had sexual experiences that were sacred, equivalent to the most profound spiritual experiences I’ve ever had and I’ve been meditating for 17 years.
My sexual desire increased exponentially after being shut down and numb for years.
I set healthy boundaries and honored my body’s messages.
I learned the true art of surrender and honored the feminine principles. I surrendered. I received. I sat still and listened.
I honored ALL of my emotions and took the time to honor and express them. I stopped being a “nice” girl.
My faith deepened which enhanced my fulfillment, joy.
I stayed true to myself, lived in integrity and played BIGGER.
I practiced radical self-love and self-care.
What I know is this…
This journey requires knowledge, practice and support. There is a process to reclaiming every juicy part of YOU!
It requires exploring all aspects of yourself—physically, emotionally, spiritually, psychologically and sexually.
It requires commitment, trust and surrender in both yourself and the person or community you are taking the journey with.
Money, not enough time and fear of seeing our pain are excuses that can keep us stuck and victimized. Investing in YOU is the most important investment you can make.
I can help you with this journey. I can support you with better self-care, self-love, accountability, body love, deepened faith, a space to be vulnerable and a sacred experience of bringing light into shadow places (addictive behaviors are shameful and demoralizing).
I’ve worked so hard to arrive where I am. I KNOW you can too.
“I have been fortunate enough to receive both personal I-Rest/Somatic Experiencing/Yoga Therapy sessions with Lara and partake in her Chakra class. Lara was able to support me in ways that I didn’t even know I needed and equip me with tangible tools for my own healing and growth. Lara is clearly an expert in the field of deep healing and I have learned so much from her. Her presence has allowed me to safely explore issues which has led to an overall sense of peace and well-being.” ~ Nicole Kahn, LMFT, SEP , Marriage and Family Therapist, Imago Therapist
“Lara shines a bright light with her radiant presence. The girls and women she empowers through individual and group sessions will find their inner beauty and gifts.” ~ Maggie Kline, MS, LMFT, SEP -International Somatic Experiencing Faculty -Retired LBUSD School Psychologist -Author of “Trauma through a Child’s Eyes” & “Trauma-Proofing Your Kid”
Your investment:
The GODDESSES journey: Awakening Body, Heart, Sex and Spirit
Receive daily support from Lara to Awaken the Feminine and practice radical self-love
- 8 private individualized sessions
- 8 weeks of online course content
- Mindfulness CD to restore body, mind, heart and spirit
- Unlimited email ( I will respond within 24 hours Monday-Friday)
- Free e-book Trauma Resolution for the Empowered, Awakened Female: Mind Body Practices for Emotional, Physical and Spiritual Balance
- Extensive resource list of movies, books, websites and music to feel empowered as a woman
Yes, Lara, I’m ready to cultivate inner beauty and awaken to the wisdom of my body, my sensual essence and brilliance as a woman!
To apply for the program, please complete the application HERE.
In love and sisterhood,