When people think about New York City, they might typically think about the hustle and bustle of the big city and its endless energy.  One wouldn’t normally associate Manhattan with inner calm or achieving a state of peacefulness.  My recent experience there proved otherwise.  I was in the City to attend a class on the “Art of Being a Woman” and while I expected to enjoy it and to enjoy my time in New York, I did not expect to experience a truly amazing internal paradigm shift while I was there.  To me, NYC will always be associated with making the choice of a lifetime.
In the weeks leading up to my trip, I had been going through some significant stress in my life caused by circumstances I recognized but did not fully accept.  I sublimated those feelings and went on my journey to New York as planned.  One evening as I was unwinding in my room, my stomach felt like an angry fist and my breaths were shallow.  My mind was racing from thought to thought in what I call “my monkey mind.”  These very strong physiologic reactions served as a catalyst for me as I sat and observed my body’s response. It was clear to me then that I had to face a few questions and honor my body’s cues. I sat in the observer role and asked myself:
Is this body mind experience a product of the stress in my life or just my perception of it?  Am I living the life of a woman with integrity and in congruence with my deepest values?
I realized at that moment that I could make another choice.  I could choose me! As I shifted my perception and engaged in a body-mind restorative practice, my breath grew more even and my stomach began to relax.  It took some struggle and powerful signs from my body, but I came to an understanding that my well-being is more important than any external vision or preconception. I was suffering as I attempted to control how I should be, what I should have and when I should have it. I was putting my own pleasure, joy and well being to the side to achieve a certain goal that I thought would define me and give me value.  I thought about my heart’s desire and the values that guide my life: peace, joy and love.  From this deep place, the shift occurred.  I chose ME!
Chronic stress takes a toll on our bodies, minds and spirits. Some of us develop physical and emotional symptoms (gastrointestinal problems, sleep disorders, headaches, anxiety, depression, etc.) and/or engage in addictive behaviors. Stress has a powerful impact on the brain.
A recent review published in Current Directions in Psychological Science, suggests that stress alters our decision-making abilities.  When we are under stress, dopamine levels in the brain’s pleasure circuit change.  People overemphasize remembered rewards and de-emphasize punishments or detractions from a certain action.  This may be why addictive behaviors are challenging to change; our brains want to focus on the positive feelings and not the negative consequences.
Body-Mind practices are essential to managing stress.  In order to effect change, we have to know what stress feels like in the body and how our minds are contributing to the cycle.  Integrative Restoration is a powerful tool to help us  achieve a heightened state of well-being and  the internal balance necessary to manage stress levels in a healthy and sustainable way.